Thursday, June 11, 2009

Hola mi amors! I am writing to you from CEPAD in Managua, Nicaragua. I have had the privilege of staying here for the past few days, using it as a post to venture out into a new, wonderful world here in Central America. The more I explore and discover here, the more I grow to love the country. Everything from enjoying multiple discussions with people here who have experienced these things first hand, who have granted us the opportunity to listen to them, and give of us their time to explain why Nicaragua is in the situation it is in, and things that are being done to try to help these people out.
Since I have gotten here, I have felt a vast array of emotions. Sadness, hopelessness, love, respect, hope, fear, guilt, disappointment, joy, anger, and that’s just the beginning. Never have I seen such extensive poverty, despite all of my adventures to different parts of the world, yet still these people are as hopeful and resilient as any I have met. No matter where I turn I can see the need these people have.
Increasingly I feel the need for something to be done here, some policy that needs to be changed, some aid sent, some system that takes so much from these people to be disassembled and reversed. These people who love so much, who know so much joy, and so much pain, should be allowed to, or empowered to help themselves.

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